Sunday, December 17, 2000

Too Bad Nobody Registered All Those Potheads To Vote

Did you know Phish's tribe was 80,000 strong last New Year's Eve at the Everglades concert they played down in Florida? Too bad nobody registered all those potheads to vote on the spot, we wouldn't be stuck with George DWI Bush for the next four years! Unless they turned around and voted for Nader. He was in favor of weed legalization.

I'm gonna give any weed freak who voted for Nader twin knuckle sandwiches next time I see one. Nader's such a square, he's likely never puffed in his life. Al Gore, on the other hand, probably grows hydroponic in his closet. Who's gonna narc on him, Tipper? As far as I'm concerned, Al Gore is the president.

Maybe the stoner nation will surprise me and turn out for a mass smoke-in the night George DWI Bush gets inaugurated. There's gonna be mad protests in D.C., I heard they're gonna spike the Potomac with LSD mixed with DMSO and somebody's planning to drop a planeload of smelly bull dung on every single outdoor inaugural proceeding. Of course, they better hope they're also carrying Colin Powell in that plane, otherwise they ain't gonna be airborne very long!