Thursday, March 15, 2001

A Mandate for King George DWI Bush

I'm continually surprised at how many people do exactly what they're told, without asking questions. Like, hey America, no more free elections for you, the power structure's decided to install a dictator, fuck this democracy shit, it's getting messy, we'll turn the clock back 200 years and go back to a monarchy, put the son of the last CIA puppet we had in power back up on the throne, that'll make for a good soap opera, and screw anybody who objects, 'cuz we control this country, from the State of Florida to Congress to the Supreme Court!

Oh, okeydokey, Mr. Power Structure, no problem, the 50% of us Americans who you've brainwashed into being dumb, obedient consumers will go along with the program, and combined with the other 10% who are rich and smart and evil enough to know exactly what's going down and loving every minute of it, shit, that's a frigging mandate for King George DWI Bush to do whatever the hell he wants. Just as long as there's no recession, and you slide us all a couple hundred bucks in tax cuts while you're at it.

If you haven't guessed, yes, I am still upset over the stolen election, and advocate guerrilla resistance to this madness!