Tuesday, November 07, 2000

Is Bush going down? We can only hope.

Al Gore was up by two points today over George DWI Bush. If Bush wins, that's it. The system is gonna feel the people's rage. That's all I'm saying.

Veterans of the Battle of Seattle already making plans to take their street protest shit to a higher level. But you can't wage a frontal assault on the American system of friendly fascism. You gotta be practical and choose your fights. That's why Gore is the obvious choice, and anyone who votes for Nader is gonna have some heavy bad karma telling their grandkids they almost helped elect a knucklehead like Bush.

Is W. going down? We can only hope.

So all you left-wing radicals out there! You heard it straight from the brainwashing squad at American Babylon, here's what you do. Go to your neighborhood Kinko's. Get your friends who work third shift to hook you up with a bunch of free color copies and sticker paper. Print up lots of homemade stickers, with political messages on them, like "Share The Wealth," or "Bush Bought The Election," or "Democracy is a Myth."

And then, if George W. wins the election, take 'em and stick 'em somewhere illegal. Like on a police cruiser windshield. Or a Starbucks window. Or on the front door of your local Gap. Put 'em everywhere! Hundreds of stickers! Nobody will know what's going on. But it'll be a good post-election day message to the masses. Mind you, that's just a contingency plan. I'm still down with Al Gore, and if this country's got any frigging sense whatsoever, come Tuesday night, enough of us will also make the right choice to make penny-ante protest schemes like this irrelevant.

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