Thursday, November 09, 2000

Two days after the elections and obviously, Gore won

Two days after the elections and they still don't know who won. Except for one thing - obviously, Gore won. Gotta hand it to George DWI Bush, thinking he could pull a fast one, steal the election in the state where his brother was Governor, use state troopers to intimidate some black voters while he was at it, just for added kicks, and nobody would notice! Brilliant plan.

I heard Mindy Tucker, Bush's press secretary, on NPR's Talk of the Nation today. She was being all shrill, saying shit like, well, I hope the Gore campaign doesn't plan on challenging the Florida results. Then Juan Williams asked her, well, what about Pat Buchanan admitting on the Today show this morning that over 3,000 votes counted for him were probably meant for Gore, more than enough to give him the winning margin?

Her response? "Oh, I don't know what Pat Buchanan's talking about. I can't speak to his comments." Priceless. This whole mess is priceless.

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